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How We Bring Our Books to You

Sarah Wills Carlsson

Every book starts first with an idea. Katy and I talk about a country and the new friend. We research what animal we will choose for the country, and Katy works on the first concept. We talk about some key places we want to visit in the book, what type adventures we want to have, or anything else we want to include. These conversations take place about a year and a half before the book launch.

Then, I start researching and studying about cultural misunderstandings with the country. I consider stories, impressions, and research about what people experience when they interact with and encounter the country. I use frameworks, such as Erin Meyer of INSEAD's Culture Map, Gert Hofstede's models, and resources provided from the country itself.

About a year before the book is launched, I write the first draft. Strangely enough, many of the books have been written during long layovers in Copenhagen Airport.

Every one of our books needs to include:

- A friend, with a name from the country that alliterates (the name begins with the same letter of the animal, for example René Rooster (English), Thierry Tupp (Swedish), or Gérard Gallo(Spanish))

- Some language from the country (for example, each book begins with Welcome to Country in the language, as well as the language guide in the end)

- Sites and important cultural aspects

- A misunderstanding commonly experienced in the country that can be solved through the superpowers

- The Legends explaining for parents, teachers, and older children about the sites and important cultural aspects

- A cookie recipe, from our amazing cookie expert, Cookie Jen of Jen's Cookie Craft

Once the book is written, it goes to editing by Val. At times, there are large structural and content edits. For example, in the first book, she helped make it more interesting by adding the misunderstanding. Other times, the structure and content are good, but there are grammar, word, or punctuation changes. For example, my writing has primarily been for adults. Children's writing requires words and concepts appropriate for the ages reading the book. We chose to have both the story (targeted to the 4-8 age group) as well as The Legends (targeted more towards parents, teachers, and older readers).

After the initial editing, Katy starts her work. Important drawings that she wanted to have were scripted into the story from the initial brainstorming. Sarah also indicates in the writing how she might envision the page.

Illustrations are finished about 4-6 months before launch and the merge is started by Designer Jen. Narrative text is placed on the illustrations, and speech and thought bubbles are added. The superpower icons are placed.

When the merge of text and illustrations come together, we find where we had misunderstandings. We also see where the flow of text may not work.

With this, we enter many loops of editing and re-design. Minor illustrations are added. Pages are re-worked, removed, or added. However, we stick to the same number of pages and order, so that all are books are consistent.

As the book comes together closer to a finished product, we involve more than Sarah, Katy, Val and Designer Jen to review, give feedback, and fine-tune over a period of about four weeks. We always include people from the country that we are writing about, as we don't want to perpetuate hurtful stereotypes. We also include teachers and our Ambassadors, so that we consider various users and improvement ideas.

Finally, about six weeks before launch, we release the book to print. We have learned that we always order one book to Designer Jen for review with her eagle-eye and attention to detail. In this way, we insure that the print layout is the best it can me.

Now you know a little what it takes to bring our books together, you can understand why I'm so excited to see this email!



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